Exhibitor Registration Details
Many thanks for you interest in supporting the 2022 District 8 AALAS Meeting! Your participation and support makes this event possible. The 2022 meeting promises to provide an engaging continuing education for everyone in the laboratory animal community. Please see below for further information regarding exhibitor table registration and sponsorship opportunties.
Exhibitor Registration Levels & Details
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Sponsorship Oppurtunities
Platinum Level : $825
*Limited to 10 People
6 ft. draped table
Priority Placement (for first 10 registrants)
Special Recognition in Program and on Signage
5 minute Presentation
1/2 page Advertisement in Event Program
Registration for 2 People
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Sponsorship Oppurtunities
Gold Level: $725
6ft draped table
Priority Placement (for first 10 Registrants)
Special Recognition in Program and on Signage
1/4 page print Ad in Event Program
Registration for 2 people
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Sponsorship Oppurtunities
Silver Level: $500
6ft draped table
Business Card Advertisement in Program
Registration for 1 person
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Sponsorship Oppurtunities
Additional Commercial Exhibitor Registrant : $120 per person
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Sponsorship Oppurtunities
There is also the opportunity to sponsor various events, such as Breakfast, Break, Lunch, and Networking Reception. Take this great advertising opportunity to donate raffle items or tote bag items (pens, note pads, mints, bags, etc).
Any and all support is welcome and greatly appreciated!
Visit our Exhibitor Sponsorship Opportunities Page to view all available items, details, and pricing.
For questions, please contact the Exhibitor Committee:
Vinnie Guarniere
Kim Rossal
Dee Drye